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The Spark of New Beginnings


“The Spark of New Beginnings”

Let this be the year you take control of your life.

The year that you emerge from your comfort zone and open your eyes to a world of possibilities.

Let this be the year you cross things off your “bucket list”.

The year that you begin living out your desires.

Let this be the year you learn something new.

A new language, how to cook, how to cope.

Let this be the year you ask for guidance.

For no one has all the answers.

Let this be the year you give more.

Not because you expect to receive, but merely for the act of giving.

Let this be the year you stop putting things off.

The year you stop saying “next year”.

Let this be the year you love more.

Both others and yourself.

Let this be the year you take risks.

The year you begin to live more freely.

Let this be the year you surround yourself with positive influences.

The year that you learn the benefits of growing together.

But most importantly,

Let this be the year that you decide.

The year that you create consciously.

– C.H.

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